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為何選擇視覺化分析?發現意料之外的事物;一切都與旅程有關。聽起來很像旅遊小冊子開頭的介紹,對吧?嗯,這很貼切,因為視覺化分析有助於您瀏覽各式各樣的資料。 當您想要理解您的資料時,要從哪裡開始?兩個常見的視覺化資料分析方法包括資料視覺化和視覺化分析。這兩個方法在資料探索中都分別發揮重要的作用。您不必二選一 - 這兩個方法都能幫助您查閱和瞭解您的資料。 資料探索通常是以問題開頭,... |
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運用現代化雲端分析技術強化製造業韌性製造商每天面對的挑戰越來越複雜,且影響層面也日愈廣大,若要保持競爭優勢,則需快速做出明智的反應。透過現代化雲端技術,製造商即可利用自家設施中已具備的龐大資料,更快速地做出更明智的決策。 Murray 擔任領導職位有超過 30 年的經驗,曾出任財務長、資訊長、營運長、規劃部門副總裁與營運部門副總裁等職位。他目前任職於 InterWorks,... |
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哪種圖表類型適合您?您擁有資料,也有一些問題,那麼您該如何用最佳方法視覺化資料來取得所需的答案?將資料轉變為有效率的視覺化或儀表板是讓資料發揮影響力的第一步。 如元素週期表發明者 Henry D. Hubbard 所說:「圖表具有魔力。曲線的形狀能瞬間顯露出整體情況:流行疫情或恐慌的歷程,或一個時代的繁榮歷程。曲線能傳達意義、激發想像力並且說服人心。」 圖表的類型 長條圖 長條圖是最常見的資料視覺化之一。... |
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視覺分析最佳做法:指南您已完成視覺化!恭喜:您是規模很小但正在成長的小組之中的一員,這個小組正在運用視覺化功能。不過,將視覺化從「良好」變為「絕佳」需要時間、耐心和對細節的關注,同時也要具備視覺分析最佳做法的基本知識。所幸,我們簡單列出重要的技術,協助您迅速上手。 |
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Digital Transformation: Empowering Business Leaders to Maximize Data and Analytics for Today and The FutureArmed with the right data, analytical tools, and organizational discipline, leaders can turn data insights into business value. This Forbes Insights report, prepared in collaboration with Tableau and... |
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Beyond Excel WhitepaperThree Key Benefits Tableau Brings to the Table—and Excel Doesn’t Are you trying to figure out the right strategy for your business by spotting new trends in your data and identifying... |
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Get ready for AI: What data leaders need to knowPositioning your business for AI success Learn what actions you can take to be a more effective leader in today's AI-driven business landscape. This guide introduces four topics that are essential... |
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The Forrester Wave™: Augmented Business Intelligence Platforms, 2023, Tableau a LeaderTableau is named a leader in augmented business intelligence. The Forrester Wave™: Augmented Business Intelligence Platforms, Q2 2023 See how the top providers measure up with Forrester’... |
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Bring Data Literacy to Your BusinessInfuse data skills into your business today with our free Bring Data Literacy to Your Workforce guide. Instead of building your own, save time and money by following the clear prescriptive steps and... |
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Build Your Data LiteracyRegardless of where you're starting from, this guide contains resources to take you to the next level in your Data Literacy journey. It outlines an easy to follow learning path, provides a breakdown... |
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